Meet Maura Kirby
Embracing the Divine Heroine in Her Heart
Maura Kirby is the founder and owner of Grace Labyrinth Wellness Center. Maura experienced her own inward journey that led her to discover the Divine Heroine at the core of her being.
And her Divine calling is assisting you in remembering that the heroine of your life story is YOU.
YOU are the one you have been waiting for...
As a Reiki Master, Intuitive Angel Guide, Spiritual Coach, and
Ordained Minister, Maura guides women on an inward journey
to their true selves so they can reclaim their innate wholeness,
self-worth, and Sacred Power. As a vessel for Spirit, Maura uses
her spiritual gifts of clairsentience (clear feeling), clairaudience
(clear hearing), clairvoyance (clear seeing), and claircognizance
(clear knowing) to serve and guide women worldwide as they
awaken to their connection with Spirit and live from an open heart.
By connecting with Archangels, Angels, Ascended Masters,
Spirit Guides, Loved Ones in Spirit, and Precious Pets in Spirit, women are
given the opportunity to receive Divine guidance and support as well as heart
felt messages. This connection with Spirit can comfort women's hearts, reminding
them of how much they are unconditionally loved and supported while their courage,
grace, inner strength, and beauty are fully honored.
Maura received her Reiki Traditional Certificate of Excellence, Intuitive Angel Guide
Certificate of Excellence, and Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner Diploma (Spiritual
Coaching and Hypnotherapy specialization) from the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) in Tempe, AZ. Maura is also an Ordained Minister through Open Ministries.